
Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh My Lovely Blog (Award)!

I am super excited to announce that I received my very first blog award!  Chelsea at was kind enough to bestow the Lovely blog award to me! 
Thank you sooo much!

So here are the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave you this award.  (check)

2. Share 7 things about yourself.  (check)

3. Pass the award to at least 4 fellow bloggers who inspire you.

4. Let them know you gave them an award.

So here are the seven things that I would like to share:

1.  I was a dancer until I was 19.. I took ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, lyrical and hip hop.  I taught classes to pay for my own classes and had atleast 8 - 10 parts in the recital.  I miss it sooo much!

2.  This year for my 31st birthday I ran my first half marathon!  It was awesome and I cut 15 minutes off my training time on race day to come in at 1 hour 48 minutes!.

3.  I have 3 beautiful healthy kids.. but if my husband ever agreed to it.. I would have a fourth in a heartbeat!

4.  I have a very small group of friends.. but they are the best friends I could EVER have!

5.  I drive a very messy, dented and stickered tan minivan.. man!

6.  I am currently in LOVE with anything OWL related!

7.  When my littlest guy goes to school full time I want to go back to school to get my degree in excercise science to be a high school gym teacher / track coach.

And now here are the 4 blogs that I have chosen to give the lovely blog to:

1. Linda @ Craftaholics Anonymous
2. Cheryl @  Sew Can Do
3. Kati @ The multipurpose life
4.  Brooke @ The Craft Cave
5.  Tiff @ Making the World Cuter

Ladies thanks for your inspiration and your crafty ideas.  Go ahead now and Share the love while I bask in the glow of my first award!

Check back later for some great new crafts.. as my mother in law bought me a new camera!  Yeah!


  1. I just saw this... YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY!!!! THANK YOU!!!

  2. Thank You so much! What a great way to start my day. I am glad you enjoy my blog. I enjoy reading yours and getting inspired by your projects.
    Thank You again!

  3. Hey girl!
    Thanks for the shoutout!! You rock! You def deserve such a fun award :) Thanks for thinking of me!
    happy crafting!

  4. Thanks so much for the award! You are a sweetheart! :)

  5. Thanks so much & congrats on your first award!!!
