
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Complete This Sentence.....

Okay.. so I confess... I am totally ADDICTED to Mod Podge.  I could think of a million different uses for it and it can be found on items all over my house. 

But knowing your addictions is half the battle right?  I thought that today it would be fun to do something a little different in the form of : complete the following sentence!  Leave your sentence in the comment section!
You know you are addicted to Mod Podge when....
I'll go first!  I have lots more but I will start here!

You know you are addicted to Mod Podge when...everything in your house has been covered in scrapbook paper and Mod Podged except for the hubby and kids! (yes I did use it as a verb!)  And some days both contain traces of it!

Can't wait to see what everyone else has to say! 

By the way I will be participating in the Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop @  Hope you'll join me!



  1. Hi. I'm following you via Wandering Wednesday and hope you will follow me back. I've been a blogger for just a couple of months and am still exploring but am a Grandma of one that is having lots of fun. I enjoyed browsing your blog.

  2. I was going to link up for Wandering Wednesday, but decided to just go on a commenting spree. LOL

  3. ....when you buy ten bottles of the stuff because you "might run out" in the middle of a project!

    ....when all you could think of giving your best friend for her special birthday is Mod Podge and she doesn't craft!

    ....every time you complete a project you grab it gently with your hand and bring it up close to your face and say "thank you" in the most affectionate voice.....I know, I'm disturbed!

  4. ... when you see a New Mod Podge product you HAVE to go out immediately to purchase some and try it out as SOON as you get home!

  5. ...when your bottle in not even half gone and you think you need to go get more.

    Thanks for following! I am following you back :)

  6. Following you back!! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!
