
Friday, September 24, 2010

Iron Crafter Cardboard Boxes

This is my second attempt to become the newest Iron Crafter at Fireflies and Jellybeans    I was soo excited when I saw that the secret ingredient was cardboard boxes.  I recently had a craft disaster with cardboard boxes from the dollar store.  Now I have come back with a craft remaster!  Here is my submission for the Iron Crafter competition:

Halloween Matching Puzzle

My kids love going to IKEA.  They love the food, the babysitting and of course the toys that are all over the store.  One of the things that they love to play with is the rotating puzzle in which you match the body parts of people or animals to make a whole person.  I have made my own Halloween theme puzzle using cardboard boxes!

First I found three different size cardboard boxes from the dollar store supply in the basement.

Then I primed the boxes to cover the pattern.

Then I painted the boxes black to match the theme.

While the paint was drying I cut out the shapes of the characters I was going to use.  I choose a ghost, a vampire, a witch and Frankenstein.  For each character I cut out 3 shapes; the head, the torso with arms and the legs with feet.

Then I Mod Podged the characters on to the boxes from head to toe so that all the pieces lined up properly.

Once the Mod Podge was dry I continued with the next character.  When all the characters were finished they looked like this!

I am sure that the kids are going to love remaking the characters again and again!
Don't forget to vote for me as Iron Crafter IF I make the top 10 because I MADE the top 10!
I have linked this to Saturday Spotlight @


  1. I have added your button to my side bar. Come over and check it out.

  2. This is adorable and so much fun. My kids would love it!
    p.s. congrats on making the top 10!

  3. I love this! You did a great job, I would love to make this for a classroom. Congrats on making it to the top 10, you truly deserve it! :)

  4. that's way cute, I didn't know you were also top ten. I voted for someone else from my work pc but I can still vote on my home pc, I'm going over right now to give you my vote, this is such a cute idea.

  5. what a terrific idea to turn boxes into a fun Halloween game for kids! I am amazed by your ideas! Gave you a blog award!
    Come and see!

  6. what a great idea! love it. stopping over from making the world cuter.

  7. My kids would love this. Clever & thrifty!! Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday:)

  8. I liked it! You did an amazing job; I wish I could make this.Click Here
