
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Souper Soup for Sunday!

Nothing could be finer than creamy soup at the diner!  Being from NJ diners are a staple of teenage life and beyond.  I can't tell you how many hours I spent drinking coffee, hanging with my friends and eating cheese fries with gravy. 
Now as an adult I love the diner for its soup.  It has saved me many nights of cooking, especially on Sunday when they have my favorite creamy turkey soup!
So here is my own version of Creamy Chicken Leek Soup that tastes just like it came from the diner!  And by the way.. once again.. it is not LOW FAT.. but atleast lower fat!

The Soup
4 Chicken breasts
1 onion
2 cups of baby carrots
4 stalks celery
3 leeks (cleaned really well so it doesn't taste sandy)
2 64oz cans of chicken broth
3 TBLS canola oil or olive oil
1 cup rice
salt and pepper to taste

The Rue (yes I have posted this before but it really versatile!)
1/4 stick butter
1/4 cup flour
2 cups milk (your choice of % I use 2%)
salt and pepper to taste

I make the soup first so that it has time to simmer during the day.. the longer it simmers the better the flavors.  First heat the oil in a large pot.  Then chop the onion and saute, add a little salt. 

Once browned saute all of the vegetables. 

Pour in both cans of chicken broth.  Then add the chicken.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Let the soup come to a boil then turn the heat down to low and let it go!
About a half hour before you are ready to serve the soup add the rice and make the rue.
To make the rue, melt the butter in a medium sauce pan over medium heat. 

Once the butter is melted add the flour and whisk. 

 Once the flour and butter are combined add all of the milk..

do NOT let the flour mixture burn!  Stir constantly until the milk comes to a boil.  Then add salt and pepper to taste, turn the heat down to low and simmer covered for 1/2 hour.   Stir occasionally. 

Once the rue is done add it to the soup and Viola!  You have a creamy soup that is buttery and thick without using cornstarch as a thickening agent. 

We like to be really bad about this soup and top it with a pat of butter and some fresh ground pepper!  Hope you enjoy this souper Sunday soup as much as we do!

I am linking this recipe up the the Creative Chick Parade @
and at Show Off Your Stuff Party @
and at All Thingz Related @


  1. That looks awesome! I love making all kinds of soup in the fall! So glad you shared!

  2. This looks really delicious! I know you probably have tons of soup recipes already but if you are interested in checking out more, friends of mine started a soup club/party and we share our recipes here:

  3. Yum that soup looks delicious and so do the cheese fries with gravy, hello delicious food.

  4. Thanks for being a part of the Sassy Sites blog hop! Happy Friday! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites

  5. New follower here stopping by from SassySites Blog Hop today :-) Look forward to getting to know you! Hop on over and check out our blog! We look forward to seeing you!

    Carrie A Groff

  6. I'm your newest follower from Friday blog hop. Lovely blog;) you can find me at
