
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pirate Name Sign

Welcome to all of my new Followers and of course welcome back to my loyal followers!  Whoo hoo! We are less than 30 away from 100 and a giveaway of a custom mirror!

I can't wait!

In the meantime, I have been very busy getting ready for Halloween.. check back for a blog swap and Halloween craft!  As for today's post I wanted to share a name sign that I made for my boys room.  I only made one.. but I am working on another to match.
The first one was for my little guy William whom we call Will (and honestly 4 letters is much less work and materials than the whole name!)  I will be making a second to match for my son Sean and then they will be hung over their beds with the X marks the spot altered letter artwork between them. 

Then there will be a whole pirate theme to the bedroom including the pirate mirror!
Complete bedroom pictures to follow as soon as I find a night that I am actually home to do some REAL decorating with Mr. Pinkapotamus!
 Yeah.... finally! 
I am linking this up to Hoo's got Talent @
and to What little boys are made of @


  1. They look fabulous. Have a great day.

  2. they are too cute, I love them all. Love your new blog decor too, very cool.

  3. hey there I gave you an award... come take a look!!!

  4. What a cute pirate mirror!

    Just wanted to let you know I featured your diaper trike on my Round Tuit post this week!

    Thanks for linking up, and I hope you have a great week!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. I've been in love with that pirate mirror for awhile and this name sign is just as cute. The X is especially adorable. Can't wait to see how it all looks together.
