
Friday, October 22, 2010

Witches Brew Cupcakes

Just to give a small insight into my very crazy busy life.. here is what I did today! 

I got up at 5 am and baked 2 dozen chocolate cupcakes to match the 3 dozen vanilla cupcakes that I made yesterday.  Then I got the kids ready, cleaned up a bloody nose after a tumble, dropped one off at school, got the second one to my sister in law, went to co op for my littlest guy, cleaned up from their pumpkin festival, got lunch, helped my grandma, came home to ice the cupcakes and decorate them, posted this blog and then off to the Harvest Festival!  When all of that is done then it is time to head home to make dinner and get the kids ready for bed, clean the house and get some rest!
So here is the reason for the post today.. just to showcase some cute cupcakes that I made for the festival.  They are witches brew cupcakes filled with some gummy worms!
Here are the green and purples ones!
So if you notice that my posts are not everyday and not always totally awesome.. it is just because I am really crunched for time!
Hope you have fun with your crazy day too!


  1. Hey, Stopping by to let you know I gave you a blog award. Stop by my blog and check it out! Those look yummy!

  2. How in the world do you manage to do all that you do? I'm exhausted just reading about it! Yummy cupcakes, keep blogging, it's an inspiration!
