
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hoo Are You?

Here is my favorite part of Tuesdays.. my Tuesday Blog Hop of Hoo Are You at @

Here are the questions and my answers for this week:

1. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
The most painful thing that ever happened to me would have to be my amnio with my third baby.  We were told that he had stopped growing and had to have the amnio to be sure that his lungs were developed enough to be delivered.  So in addition to the immense pain of the giant needle inserted in my belly button we were also extremely terrified!  (He was born 2 days later on Valentine's day 3 weeks early and little but altogether healthy, phew!)
2. What would you name your next child or if you don't have any your first child?
If I had a baby girl she would be Julianna Isabelle (much to my daughter's chagrin).  If I had a baby boy he would be Henry James (my hubby doesn't like the Henry part).
3. If you could add one feature to your car, what would you choose?
If I could add a feature to my car it would be the automatic trunk.  It's pretty crappy to have to get out of the car to open the trunk for someone else and even crappier to open it with your hands and arms full of stuff!  (Am I just being lazy here?)
4. If you named your house (or car or computer) what would you name it?
The kids and I named our van.  It is referred to as "The Tan Van Man"  My husband calls it "The Hurricane" because that is what it looks like inside!  And my BFF calls it "Sticker Land" after all of the stickers that my daughter has applied to her window!
5. What is your dream occupation?My dream job is to one day have my own children's decor boutique.. obviously it would be named "Pinkapotamus".  In the meantime, I will enjoy being a stay at home mom and eventual Spin instructor!
Can't wait to see everyone else's answers!


  1. Ok So I seriously just lol when I read what you husband calls your van, my husband says the same thing about my vehicle! Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you!

  2. It was so fun getting to know a little more about you. That sounds incredibly painful and I'm glad everything turned out well. Also a children's boutique would be so much fun. I think you'd be really good at it.

  3. I want to own a boutique some day too...

  4. Newest Follower Here! I love the name Julianna....very beautiful!
