
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Non Traditional Thanksgiving Dessert~

The kiddies are nestled all snug in their beds while visions of turkey legs dance in their heads.  The hubby and I lay down for a nap and talk about our well received snacks! 
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my In laws and we get to celebrate and eat all over again tomorrow with my parents! 
Here are the yummy desserts that we brought!
Caramel Apples
And here are my yummy Cake Ball Turkey Minions!

And also a quick recipe for anyone intersted in making some!
First start with vanilla cake (I made mine from scratch) baked and cooled.  Break the pieces apart in the mixer.  Then add frosting (I make my own with 1 stick butter, 4 cups powdered sugar, 1 tbls milk and 1 tsp vanilla)
Combine the two to make a sticky mixture. 
Scoop with an ice cream scoop
and roll into balls. 
Then dip in chocolate and decorate with a candy corn and pretzels.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful yummy Thanksgiving! 
I know that I have lots to be thankful for! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks & sounds yummy!
