
Thursday, December 2, 2010

A 31st and a 91st Birthday! and an Award!

Holy Wow!  I can't believe that my Grandma is 91 today (okay, really yesterday)!  Of course I HAD to make her a gift.  So here's a little back story for you.  A few months ago my Grandma took a nasty tumble and ended up in rehab for about 2 months.  During that time the nurses started calling her cupcake.  Well, you may know how much I am loving cupcakes right now.. so of course I HAD to make her her very own cupcake plaque.  So here it is in Pink and Green (green being her favorite color)!
Stay tuned for the carrot cake that follows this weekend.  She got a haircut so that was all the excitement she could handle for one day.  Her party is on Sunday!
My hubby turned the big 3-1 and is now in th eMeAT of his 30's on Monday!  So we baked a cake! 
Isn't he cute?
So in addition to these celebrations I am celebrating my Stylish Blogger award from Beth @
To accept this award I have to do the following:
1). Thank and link back to the person who awarded me
2). Share 8 things about myself
3). Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that I have recently discovered
4). Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards

So here are 8 things about me:
1.  I am allergic to spinach which kills me because I LOVE it!
2.  My favorite Christmas movie is "A Year Without A Santa Claus"
3.  My favorite holiday decoration is Snowmen
4.  My birthday is the first day of spring
5.  My favorite thing to wear is a turtleneck
6.  I am ALWAYS cold and hate being cold but I live in NJ so I have to be cold
7.  I have chronic insomnia and spend hours being awake at night
8.  I love Harry Potter

So now here are my 8 recepients (in no particular order)!  Come grab your award and share it with pride.. you deserve it!

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. Whoa! Thanks SO much for the award and congrats on your award!

  2. blushing and flattered! Thank you so much!!
