
Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Magic and Happy New Year!

So now that I finally found my Camera I wanted to share a bit of Christmas magic as it appeared at my house!  I really love to think of it in terms of how my children see it.. and it really is soo Magical!
Here is my daughter reading her brother's a bedtime story on Christmas Eve.

The cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer!

The stockings all hung by the chimney with care!

And then a little magic.. as the Big guy arrives with presents!

Here are the kids as they open their BIG gift!

For my big girl.. the hardcover Harry Potter series!
For my middle guy.. his DS and all the trimmings!

And for the little guy.. A HOT wheels so he can follow his brother around on his quad!

I hope that you all found wonder and joy in the holidays and that it follows through to the NEW YEAR!
Happy New Year!
Thanks for all of your kind words, encouragement and features of 2010!
With Love and Gratitude,

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