
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

That Darn Camera!

Okay my bloggy friends.. I may be MIA or just reposing some old things in a new way for the next few days as I have Once again lost SOMETHING! (Last time it was all of my 17,000 glue guns)  This time it is "That Darn Camera"!  I am thinking that my beloved friend was packaged up into a garbage bag in the unwrapping frenzy that occurred on Christmas morning.
If it is anywhere it is in the yard.. covered under about 2 feet of NJ snow wrapped in the darkness of a garbage bag.. and I am NOT allowed to bring it inside to defrost for fear of ruining the hardwood floors to water damage. 

No children were harmed in the making of this post.. they came in immediately to put on proper winter attire!  They just  run REALLY fast sometimes especially when snow is involved!
*Sigh*  What is a girl to do without her camera?   Well, I guess I will be crafting and the rest of you will just have to wait with bated (and yes I DID spell check that one!) breath for my return!  Right?
p.s.  Don't forget to link up your favorite post of 2010!~
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I hear ya about the snow! I'm in NY its turning to mush because its warming up....
    Hope you find that camera! I once ran mine over...long story...fell out of my bag while buckling my kid into carseat...crunch...
    Happy new year to you!

  2. Love all your ideas & Blog!! I am already a follower of yours..I hope you will become one of mine if you are not already. I have a Blog Hop each Monday/Wednesday (both different)Would love for you to join in & inspire others with us.
    By the way I know what you mean about your camera..the same thing happens to me too! Crafters I think have a lot of the same problems. LOL..Anyway Have a great New Year & pop over for a visit @
