
Friday, January 14, 2011

Pirate Revisited!

When I first started this blog one of the first projects that I posted was this pirate..
He has always been one of my favorite projects and one of the first wall hangings that I ever made or sold!  I was sooo excited.
He was soon joined by a mermaid

and a Treasure Island!

Recently one of my customers asked me to redo this happy little guy for her little guy's bedroom.  So here is the newest version of my favorite pirate!

And his Treasure island!

Arrgh!  I love me some pirates!
One of these days I HAVE to make some of these for my little guys!

I am sharing with

Punkin Seed Productions


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1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness he's so cute! I'm sure the little boy loved it!

    Thanks so much for linking up to FFA!

    Hannah @
