
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Two Years Ago *Personal Post*

Today is a rough day.  Two years ago today I woke in a hospital bed from the worst day of my life with my 1 year old in my arms.  He had been viciously attacked the night before by a dog and had spent 2 1/2 hours in emergency surgery while awake.  I was tired and worn down, terrified of what the future would hold for my precious boy and weary from the long night before.  We had finished with surgery at 2:30 am and never went to bed until 5 in the morning.  That day was the first day that I saw what his face looked like in the light.. all swollen and puffy and covered in stitches.  The first day that I had to endure the looks that people gave him full of pity and sorrow.  I had to have the strength not to break down and cry all the time.  I spent hours talking to doctors about what would happen to him and explaining to my other children that this was still their brother even though he didn't look like himself.  I had to hold it together as I was told that he would need another surgery the next day to repair his lacerated tear duct.  So, yeah it was a bad day... and even though it's over, I still can't seem to not greive for our life before the bite. .. for the little boy whose face was perfect.  You might not see the scars but I do.. and I carry them in my heart everyday.  I still hurt over this ... I may never recover fully.
Two years later.. I have a very happy and beautiful almost 4 year old.  He has had amazing courage through this whole ordeal (4 surgeries, recovery time and countless doctors appointments) and I thank God everyday for the wonderful blessings that he has given us and for the little boy he saved.


  1. Aww i am so sorry to here about your horrible ordeal i can't imagine what it must have been like. The amazing thing about kids is they really do take everyhting in their stride and it sounds like he is a very brave little boy that you should be very proud of Tina x x

  2. Thank you for sharing such a personal post. Your feelings echo mine completely, I to miss the Ethan that was before his birthmark took hold and all the scaring started. I love and cherish him as he his but I still cry for the loss of his cupid bow lips. It's heart breaking to think of our little ones in any kind of discomfort but they have a surprising ability to bounce back. Not sure about us parents though, we seem to take it so much harder, I find coffee and cake helps!! He sounds like a brave young man, you must be very proud. x

  3. Life is so fragile and that is proof. I can only imagine how hard that was but I am so thankful your family is recovering. Kids are so amazing.

  4. Thank you for sharing this, you are so brave to have gone through this and my thoughts are with you and your whole family. Your children are all gorgeous so I'm glad they are doing well. I think we as mom's hurt even more when our children are hurting.
    Good luck with everything.

  5. I can only imagine what a horrible experience that was for you and your son. I pray that time will help heal the internal scars for you as well.

  6. Wow--thanks for sharing such a personal experience. With tears streaming down my face as I read this, I felt so much gratitude for the life and health of your little boy and, in turn, for each of my own children. Thank you so much!

  7. Reading this brings back memories of when my oldest was almost 2 and he had been bit on his cheek by a dog. It wasn't anything as serious as what you are explaining, and can't imagine. He had to get a couple stitches, and his face was all puffy too, I felt so bad, and he has the smallest scar on his cheek now.

    Your little guys had a much more rough time, and on you, it must have been torture. It's just the hardest thing as a parent to see your child suffer, and you can't do anything for them.

    My heart goes out to you girl, and your little man. I think somehow, this is def harder for you, than for him, THANK goodness, he was so small, otherwise it would have been much harder on him too.

    Hugs, Bella:)
