
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Guest Post: Amy Me N My Thrifty Ideas

Hello all you lovely readers at Pinkapotamus!  I am so incredibly grateful to be here and share with you today.  Amie is one of my besties in Bloggy Land and is such a creative and encouraging individual so BIG hugs and a speedy recovery to her!
 Now to the nitty gritty...My name is Amy and I am visiting from Me N My Thrifty Ideas.
I have a blog devoted to getting creative on an extreme budget and I have recently started dabbling in Blog Designs and making cute Side Bar Buttons such as this...
Some of my DIY projects include:


I hope you all get a chance to stop by, say hello and stay awhile because I would love to have you!

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1 comment:

  1. The twine balls & the barn star are still a few of my favorite things! :)

    Drop by The Tattered Tag
