
Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Stash Bust

Tomorrow marks the first day of
The Spring Stash Bust  @ 
and I have to admit that I am a little scared!  The thought of NOT being able to stop at the craft store and visit my best friends JoAnn, Michael and AC can be a bit overwhelming.. but here I GO!

So here is my BEFORE.. But be forewarned that it is NOT pretty!  There is much work to be done in the next month..
This is just the stash that is hiding under my table in the dining room.
This is just one bucket that holds all of my scrappy scrapbook paper.. not to be confused with the entire organizer that houses the full sheets.

Now on to the basement!  These are my cabinets and buckets which house much of my stash.. however, since you don't have ALL day to spend on my craft hoarding issues.. these are just a few pictures of what is around.. I will show more later in the month.
Now on to the buckets o' stuff!

So I hope that I can make Robin proud of my stashbusting abilities and I hope the rest of you enjoy the ride!

1 comment:

  1. Where do you buy the wooden dresses you use for your Clothesline Name Sign?
