
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Three Item Thursday!

I am SUPER excited to participate in the very first Three Item Thursday which is being hosted by two of my favorite bloggy BFF's..

This week's three items are:  Twine, Paint Chips and Empty Cereal Boxes...

And here is my project... drum roll please!
A Bunny and Egg Easter Garland and of course a quickie tutorial so all you three item fans can make one too!
I already told you the ingredients!  So now that you have them cut out a template for a bunny from your cereal boxes.  Then cut ears, tail, nose and a big heart for the bunny out of your paint chips.  Put it all together and tie a twine bow around its neck or ear.  Voila!
Then cut out eggs to hang between the bunnies.  Then hang on the twine line for a garland!

Now I know I CHEATED.. because I used clothespins but I had every intention of using a hole punch to attach them to the twine.. however, I lost it.  Desperate times call for desperate measures!
And here is one more shot with my middle guy because he HAD to get in on the fun!

Hope you HOP on over and share your three item projects!
I am also sharing with
Catch a Glimpse Button
Rhinestone Beagle
Katie's Nesting Spot

Fantabulous Friday!



Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. So cute and sooo thrifty! I love the garland you made - those bunnies are adorable! :)
    Visiting from A Glimpse Inside.
    Meredith @ Welcome to Heardmont

  2. This is so cute! I participated in 3 Item Thursday too! Check out mine at
    ~*Jessica Lauren *~

  3. I LOVE your take on this challenge. Such cute little bunnies:-) I made a wreath that I need to get posted and linked for this challenge.

  4. How cute is that! I can't believe you only used 3 things to make it. Thanks for linking up!

  5. Love this idea!! Thanks for sharing!


  6. hiya , i am visiting from make the world cuter and following you too x love what you did with the 3 items i have signed up for this today too but have yet to make mine , isnt it fun seeing what different creations people come up with using the same items , csnt wait to see where it leads me , hope to see you at mine sometime

  7. me again ,meant to say i love your paddy's day picture blocks , too cute xmaggiex

  8. Stopping by from the ULTIMATE! Love your wreath from a few posts ago! I am a new follower so that I can poke my head in and check out your creativity!


  9. EEEEE, bunnies in bikinis! CUTE! What a great craft made with stuff we all have. This is great. Thank you for liking at the beagle.

  10. What a cute little bunny garland --- great recycling project!

  11. Your garland is so adorable! Thanks so much for linking to Three Item Thursday last week. Hope you will join us again today, looking forward to your newest creation. :)

    Drop by The Tattered Tag
