
Friday, March 4, 2011

Trash to Treasure: St Patty's Day Wreath!

Recently one of my friends moved to Vermont and goodwilled me some of her old crafting paraphanalia! Being a bit of a craft hoarder myself I graciously accepted (there may have been some jumping and / or clapping involved). One of the items that I received was this old wreath.
It has been sitting in my basement for a while and I have had the itch to create a new wreath for St. Patty's Day and since V-day is over.. it was time for an upgrade!
So here is a quick tutorial on how to make one of your own!

1 Old Wreath
Scraps of burlap
Some old shamrock decorations
Hot Glue
Wood Letters
Green Paint

Start by cutting your burlap into strips.  I used some leftover beige and some new green.

Then tie the strips all around the wreath until you get the desired effect of scrappiness.
Then paint your letters with whatever Irish saying makes you happy.. I chose Lucky cause it was easy.  Then I drybrushed the letters green to match my shamrocks.
Then grab that hot glue gun and fire it up!  Add all of your wood embellishements.
Last tie it with twine and hang it up.. then stand back and admire your work.. Oh and don't forget to take a few pictures!
I was lucky enough to score some GIRL time with my favorite little girl who also made one all her own! 
Here is the picture she took of her awesome wreath! 

Can't wait to hang it on the door.. So proud of my crafty chica!
I am sharing with


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