
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

300 Followers Giveaway!

Whooo hoo!  I hit 300 followers last Friday morning!  What an awesome way to start the Day!  Mr. Pinkapotamus promised to take me out to dinner on Saturday night to celebrate (good thing we already had plans for about a month and a babysitter or he would have been in BIG trouble!)  So now the big question is what to offer my loyal followers in a giveaway?  So now I am giving the question over to you.. what would you love to get from me as a small token of my affections?  Or if there is something that you are willing to share as part of a 300 follower bonanza let me know!  Can't wait to hear from YOU!
Oh yeah.. and P.S.  If you host a giveaway here.. I will be happy to reciprocate at your place!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amie - I was just working on a giveaway since I hit 25 followers (now at the big 31). I would also be interested in doing another giveaway with you, if you are willing to take on a little guy like me.
    Just let me know!
    jessmusumarra (at) hotmail (dot) com
