
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter~

Wishing you all a blessed and joyful Easter!  Jesus Christ is Risen Hallelujah!
We had a very busy, very tired day. 

Our oldest was soo excited at the prospect of a giant bunny hopping through the house with candy filled eggs and Easter baskets that she woke us up at 2:30 am... NO you did NOT read that wrong.. I said 2:30 am.  We got her back to bed only to be woken up ripped from our sleep then every half hour until we finally caved at 4:45 am.  Now keep in mind that I had been up until 1 am crafting these for my little ones baskets with the help of my partner in crime Mr. Pinkapotamus!
Mr. P. made them then I painted them in a distressed finish in each of the kids' favorite color and then mod podged their names on them!

Then I filled them with lots of fun Easter goodies!
When my little girl came down the stairs she was NOT disappointed!  Here is what she saw!
After a short nap (only for my daughter of course.. a mother's job is NEVER done) it was off to church where my youngest proceeded to tell our Pastor in front of our congregation that Easter was in celebration of Jesus' birthday and that the reason for Easter is chocolate and jelly beans!  Thankfully they all love him and laughed out loud.. yup the entire congregation .. Proud Mommy moment number 437! 
Couldn't catch a pic of him all dressed up he was too busy! 
But here is some Easter egg hunt happiness! 
And of course my outdoors man!

Then it was off for some family fun! 
Hope you had as much fun on this glorious day as we did!
Happy Easter!
I am sharing with

Sumo Sweet Stuff

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  1. Your wood boxes turned out so CUTE! I'm sure it was worth the stying up late!!

  2. Hi
    I'm Barb from Santa's Gift Shoppe YR ROUND. I am here at your link party every Tues. & wish to thank you for hosting & for your great ideas!
    It's amazing how we inspire each other with our projects each week. I love the Easter Carriers you did for the kids..Great job..I have a Blog Hop Monday/Wed. (both different ones) & know my readers would love to see your ideas. I hope you will join us & let my readers get inspired by you..Hope you find something to get inspired by us as well. Have a great day.
    P.S. I'm already a follower of yours I hope you will become one of mine if not already..Hope to see ya!

  3. These are so cute! What a great twist on the traditional easter basket!
