
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #31 on a Tuesday!

Sorry!  I volunteered with Mr. Pinkapotamus for the Water company at the race, then ran the 10K in sweltering humidity ran home to eshower and then began our Memorial Day festivities! 
Oh yeah and I came in 9th for my age out of 50 other ladies!  Whoo hoo!
So now here we are yet again a day late and a dollar short!
First I would like to give a big shout out to for sharing the Memorial Day blocks she made from my tutorial.  Here are her's:
And now here are my favorites from last week's party!
First up is this adorable golf inspired Father's day wreath from Jenny @
Next up are these fabulous diy book shelves from Laura @
And last up is super fun kid friendly sidewalk chalk paint by  Trisha  @
Ladies grab your featured button and wear it with pride!
Now it's time to party!
Here are the rules!

1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pink Hippo Party!

Happy Memorial Day!  I will be back later with the Pink Hippo Party.. right now I am getting ready for my annual Memorial Day 10K!  St ay tuned for results and some fun link party action!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Memorial Day Blocks!

Psst.. over here! 
I made these super cute Memorial Day blocks and you can too..
Just stop by and visit me here:


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pinwheel Birthday Banner!

My friend Carolyn's little guy is turning 1!  I am soo excited.. so this weekend she is celebrating with a fabulous barnyard bash.. and of course I couldn't wait to help.  First off I helped with some super cute cupcake toppers.. (which I have been sworn to secrecy on.. so no sharing for me!)  So now I am doing the birthday banner!  And really what could be cuter on memorial day weekend than an American inspired pinwheel birthday banner? 
So here is Jake's!
And a tutorial in case you want to make one for your Memorial day celebration!
First start by cutting your scrapbook paper (preferably double sided) into 5" x 5" squares.  I used my cutting mat and a razor knife.
Next cut the corners of each square almost to the middle but not quite there.   I used my fancy edged scissors.
Then put some glue in the center of each square and fold one side of each corner into the center.
Last glue on your letters to spell your message. 

 Then punch holes in it and hang it

Voila!  Your decoration is complete and adorable or completely adorable!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tough Luck Tuesday!

Yup... it's that kind of a day!  Where all I want to do in life is to finish a project that I have been working on for a birthday party that is on Saturday and guess what?  Wouldn't you know it.. dear Mrs. Singer decides that she doesn't want to be on "time" to the party!  (Yup her timing is off.. pun intended) 
So here she is Ms. Tough Luck Tuesday herself!
And yes I DID make my sewing machine a crown.. what of it?
So I hope that if you are having some "tough luck" this Tuesday too that you will leave me a comment and we can commiserate.  After all what does misery love better than company?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #30

Happy Monday! 
It's time once again for my Pink Hippo Party so without futher ado here are my favorites from last week!
First up is this amazing little purse made from a pillow sham by Annie @

Next up is this awesome homemade chair by Cheryl @
I totally want one!
And last but not least are these fabulous upcycled silhouette plates by

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with this week!
Here are the rules!

1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Three Item Thursday

Today's Three Items are: 
Buttons, Cardstock and Yarn
Oh My!
So I cheated a little.. um because I decide that I would use this as an opportunity to make a mixed media picture.  So although I used the 3 items.. I also used 1 extra which was a canvas so that my picture could be on something solid.  Sorry.  Don't hate me.
My creation started with the card stock.  I cut out all of the pieces to my picture.

I love owls so I made an owl, a tree and the moon and stars. 
Then I Mod Podged them on so that they would be easy to cover with yarn.

I then covered the cardstock with the yarn in different colors to make the patterns and shapes that I wanted.

Last I added the buttons to the picture for eyes.
And of course the canvas was snatched up immediately by my lovie girl who decided that she was in love with it!  Great minds think alike.. owls are awesome!

Hope you try to make a three item something this Thursday too!
Can't wait to see yours!
p.s.  This would have been posted a bit sooner.. however, I was busy enjoying some very important girl time with a friend!

Exciting News!

Psst!  Over here.. come a little closer.. no not that close..
Now listen up! 
I have something that I have been DYING to share with you.. so if you want in on my secret go check it out here


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Canvas Bag to Tool Belt

Yesterday I shared a tutorial on how to make an owl bag out of an old canvas bag.

Well today I am sharing what I made with the left over top of the bag. 

I have three kids.. two boys and one girl and of course if I make something for one of them I have to make something for all of them.  So that being said I had to come up with something quick after giving my daughter the owl bag.
I decided that the top would make an adorable tool belt for the boys!
So here's how I made it!

Top of canvas bag
camo fabric

First I started by cutting the edges straight and ironing them flat.  Then I sewed them into place.
Next I cut out the shapes for the pockets and tie.

I sewed the tie with the wrong sides together and then sewed it onto the top of the belt.

Next I pinned the pockets and the hammer loop into place on the pouch.

Last I sewed the pockets on.

And then of course I gave it to my little guy to model in full army uniform!  (This was not in any way intentionel.. he saw the camo fabric and wanted to play army guys)
And one more of the belt.. a little closer!

Hope you make one for your little army dude too!
I am sharing with

lil luna link party button


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hooo's Holding the Bag?

Since I have fallen in love with my sewing machine I have been churning out projects like CRAZY!
So one of the ones that I have recently finished is this adorable Owl bag!

It was repurposed from a plain canvas bag that I had leftover from a GS meeting two years ago. 

So here is a quick tutorial for those of you hooo would like to make one of your own!

1 canvas bag
several pieces of fabric
sewing materials

First start by cutting your canvas bag into an owl shape.  Then measure a piece of fabric so that it will fit into the canvas bag as a lining. 

Next cut out the shapes that you are going to add to your bag to make the owl face.  Then sew on. 

When the face is done add your fabric lining by pinning it into the canvas bag and turning inside out. 

Sew together and then add your strap back onto the bag. 

Now you have a super adorable owl bag!

Sooo hooo's holding the bag now?  You are!
Check back tomorrow to see what I made the top of the bag into!
I am sharing with




Monday, May 16, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #29

This, last week has been CRAZY!  After Mother's day I had an extra Brownie meeting with my girls (which did not go as planned but THAT is another story!), lots of beautiful NJ weather which makes my kids want to be outside and away from my kitchen table crafting table and I was getting ready to run a 5K race, something I have not done in a year.    This all equals lack of posts last week.   This week it is supposed to rain ALL week.. so I figure I will get Lots done!  Yay!
So now on to this week's features!
First up is Amanda @ with this awesome mirror refurb!  I love upcycled projects!
Next up is Sunny @ who refurbed her outdated shelf and made it look amazing in her signature color of course!
And last is Michaela @ who took a simple clock and madie it look fabulous with a little burlap and buttons!
Did anyone else sense a pattern there?  Oh well.. now let's see what you have in store for me this week!
Here are the rules!

1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!
