
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hooo's Holding the Bag?

Since I have fallen in love with my sewing machine I have been churning out projects like CRAZY!
So one of the ones that I have recently finished is this adorable Owl bag!

It was repurposed from a plain canvas bag that I had leftover from a GS meeting two years ago. 

So here is a quick tutorial for those of you hooo would like to make one of your own!

1 canvas bag
several pieces of fabric
sewing materials

First start by cutting your canvas bag into an owl shape.  Then measure a piece of fabric so that it will fit into the canvas bag as a lining. 

Next cut out the shapes that you are going to add to your bag to make the owl face.  Then sew on. 

When the face is done add your fabric lining by pinning it into the canvas bag and turning inside out. 

Sew together and then add your strap back onto the bag. 

Now you have a super adorable owl bag!

Sooo hooo's holding the bag now?  You are!
Check back tomorrow to see what I made the top of the bag into!
I am sharing with





  1. love owls! so I had to look at your owl bag great tutorial!

  2. love it! such a cute bag, owls are darling
