
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hooo Are You #44

Welcome to another Tooosday edition of everyone's favorite Blog Hop
Here are my answers to this week's questions~
1. What is you favorite summertime snack?
My favorite summertime snack has to be Watermelon and Fresh picked Strawberries from the farm!

2. Do you tan at all? (tanning bed, outside, spray, etc)
I don't really tan so much as I explode in freckles at the park and lake with lots of SPF with the kids!
3. What is your favorite activity to do outside?
My favorite outdoor activity is swimming and hiking.. or yeah and running of course!

4. Do you recycle?
Yes.. Typically I recycle things into buckets and bins for my crafting supplies or into crafty decorations for my house!

5. How hot is it where you live today?
Today it is a whopping 65 degrees here in NJ!



  1. Our high was 60, still seemed to be chilly most of the day though!
