
Monday, June 20, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #34!

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day with the special Daddies in your life!  In the morning my Mommy and I ran a Father's Day 5K!  My mom ran for the first time and I cheered her on from the sideline!   As for me I came in top 10 for women overall and 3rd for my age! 
Whoo hoo.. 24:10!
Then we had a BBQ and a campfire for smores with
Mr. Pinkapotamus and my Daddy!
The Pink Hippo Party is now 34.. can you believe it? .. but I have never gotten to over 100 links.. so if you guys.. my hardcore party goers could help me out by spreading the word that would be awesome!
Now on to our features for this week!
First I wanted to highlight one special girl, Kara who is making bracelets for Autism! 
If you want to see how you can get involved check out her post here:
Next up is one Liz @ crafty mama who made not only a top for herself
 but an adorable jumper for her little one
Then we have this super cute Patriotic yarn wreath by Jamie @
And last but not least these almost too stinkin cute to eat Owl cookies by Trisha @
Grab your featured buton and  let's party!
Here are the rules
1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the invite to your party! Thanks for hosting! I'm your newest follower!

  2. Thanks for hosting! I just linked up!

    I am gathering contributors for a Back to School series starting in August! I'd love to have you or your readers join in!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I'm glad you liked the art!! I will definitely be joining in on your link party!! :)

  4. Thanks for visiting and your nice comments! and thanks for the linky party!

  5. thanks for the invite! new follower

  6. Hi ya! Thank you so much for the great compliment, as well as, the invite. I just linked up and signed up :D Whoop! Whoop!

  7. wow i'm JUST getting into running (or plodding along in my case) so i'm super impressed with you time! great job! :)

  8. Thank you for inviting me to your party! I'm all linked and buttoned up! :)

  9. Thanks for the invite! I'm your newest follower!

  10. Thanks so much for your nice note and for inviting me to your party! How fun! I can't wait to look around your blog and get some fun ideas. Have a great day!

  11. Just linked up :] Thanks for coming by the blog and leaving a comment.

    I also sell blog designs really cheap and I think it would so much fun to create one for you centered around the whole oink hippo theme. If you are interested in purchasing one then email me at

    I am a new follower :]

  12. Thanks so much for inviting me to join your pink hippo party! I'll put it on my list of "regulars" :)

  13. Thanks for your kind comments and invite- I'll add your button to my blog! :) Hope you have a great rest of the week :)

  14. Thank you so much, for stopping by my blog and commenting! I've link up this week as well and hope you have a good day :)
