
Saturday, July 16, 2011

My 1st Blogiversary!

Yup that's right.. today is my one year Blogiversary!  I can't believe it!
This year I have gained 429 followers.
Been featured on 21 blogs.
Had 1148 comments on projects.
Had 281 posts.
And made countless new bloggy friends. 
Thanks to all my followers old and new who followed me through this journey!
In celebration on my blogiversary I would like to repost my first post which I swear was only read by Cecily @ because it's a Hippo thing!
Meet Pinkapotamus!

Welcome to Pinkapotamus!
The name of my blog came from a name that I call my kids. When my daughter who is now 7 was 2 she would wear nothing but pink.. I would call her my little Pinkapotamus. The name then evolved into one for all of my kids (there are 3 now) when they were dirty at the end of the day.. then they were known as my Stinkapotamuses! From both names came one of our favorite songs that we sing ALL the time!
She (or he depending on who we are singing about) is a pinkapotamus
Cute from top to bottomus
Gotta a toosh you just can't miss
Cause he's (or she's) a Pinkapotamus!
It also works for the Stinkapotamus name!
She's a stinkapotamus
Stinks from top to bottomus
Gotta a toosh you just can miss
Cause she's a stinkapotamus!
Since then I have also named my Etsy store where I display mirrors that I have made for my kids and other people's kids of the same name!
If you get a chance.. check it and say hello!
More tomorrow! Hopefully something a little fun!
Love always


  1. Happy anniversary! I'm a relatively new follower, and thououghly enjoying your blog, here's to many more years in the blogosphere :)

  2. Congrats of your achievement and happy anniversary!

  3. Happy anniversary! You've done so well in your first year, congrats!

  4. Congrats to you!!!! One year is a big deal, I just celebrated mine in June. Keep the great ideas comin'.....:)
