
Monday, July 11, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #37!

Last week I promised that I would share my features on Wednesday.. but Wednesday came and went and no features.  Uggh.. sorry.. I have been sick with an upper respiratory infection and have not sleep a whole night in atleast a week.. I am a mess.  So better late than never.. here are my features from Pink Hippo Party #35!
First up is this super adorable quilt

by Bethany @
Next up is this awesomely upcycled chevron dresser
 by Laura Beth @
And last but not least is this super sunshiny super cute yellow bathing suit

Now onto our features from Party #36!  First up is this absolutely adorable patriotic outfit made without a pattern

who has her taken the Chevron craze to the next level with these awesome silhouettes!
And last but not least is Jeni  @ who is striving to become Martha and totally succeeded with this amazing little homemade kitchen set
Ladies grab that cute hippo featured button and let's get partying!
Here are the rules
1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!


  1. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling great, hope your better soon. Thanks for taking the time out to host another fab linky.

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my Chevron Dresser!! Linking up again :)

  3. Thanks for featuring my chevron silhouette. :) and Thanks for hosting another great party.. Have a nice day!

  4. Got back to bed at once! Not peeking at the internet! Rest and drink more water! Get Well Soon! Hugs n Kisses - Meijo

  5. newest follower right here!!! I'd appreciate a follow back if you got the chance. I'm sorry I listed my idea twice...I couldn't figure out how to take it off!

  6. Thanks for the feature Pink!! I'm linked up again!

  7. I am sorry that you have been feeling sick! That is never any fun! Thanks for hosting this great party!

  8. Hope you are feeling better!! Have a great Monday!

  9. That is NO fun to be sick, I hope you're feeling better! Thank you so much for the kind comment on my blog and the invite to your party, I'm excited to join and be a new follower!

  10. Awesome features this week! Thank you for hosting especially when you are not feeling well! We will be thinking about you and sending positive get well wishes!!!

  11. Thanks for the great party! I am so sorry I linked up three times. My links didn't show up and then all of a sudden they all did. If I can figure out how to take them off I will.
    Love what I have seen of your blog so far and I am your newest follower :)
