
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When Life Hands You Branches....

Here in NJ we survived Hurricane Irene pretty much unscathed.  We had some minor flooding in the basement and some damage to our living room wall.. but we never lost power.  Some of my family however, has had lots of damage and will take lots of time to recover.   So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers!
With all of the heavy winds we were able to find lots of branches.. and what better to make with branches than MOBILES!
So here are some of our super fun creations!
The first is a bird one, which was supposed to be for my friend's daughter, however, my daughter claimed it as her own!

Lots of little flowers on the branch and then lots of happy little birdies flying around!

Then we made another bird one .. but this time in boy colors with little leaves on the branch.
And again.. lots of cute little birdies flying around!

These kept us busy and helped to clean up the yard!  Whoo hoo!
Hope you faired well in the storm.
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Monday, August 29, 2011

Pink Hippo Party #44

We survived IRENE here in NJ.. which gives us all the more reason to party!
Here are my shoutouts today.. Amie @ who featured my Yellow Flower Headband
Who featured my Ballard inspired painting..
but also made me my very own button!
Thanks ladies.. you guys Rock!  Now here are all of the awesome featured ladies that have been crafting around the Pink Hippo last week!
First up is Amy from who created an amazing bird in a nest baby shower for her bestie!
Then we have Elizabeth @ who created some really beautiful crocheted jewelry!
Then we have Amy @  who made these deliciously festive looking Oreo Cheesecake Pretzels
Then we have Natalie @  with a fabulous couch makeover with .. yes.. you guessed it SPRAY Paint!
Last we have Laina @ who made these scrumptious chocolate chip cookies made with chick peas.. that I am Dying to try!
Ladies grab your featured button and wear it with pride!
Here are the rules to party!

1. Grab a party button
2. Link back to this party
3. Link to your specific post and not your home page
4. Become a follower (cause it's just nice)
5. Don't forget some love to your fellow crafters.. everyone loves a compliment!


Friday, August 26, 2011

Craft 3,2,1

Unless you have lived under a rock.. I am sure that you know all about this craft competition hosted by Amie @

If not.. here is your introduction.. say "Hello!"
The theme for this month's competition is FELT!
I have been dreaming about this project for awhile and I am sooo soo sooo soo excited that I have been able to create it.  For those of you who don't know me.. I have three lovely kiddies
who take up a huge chunk of my heart and time.  So most of what I craft is either home or kid related.  So it is no surprise that when I saw this quote I fell in love with it.
boy: noise with dirt on it
For a girl.. it is Girl, n. 1. a giggle that twirls.
So I decided to use the quote.. but give it my own twist.  
A long time ago in a Michaels far away I bought some of these.
What better object to make a boy sign out of then a boy's silhouette?
So I started by painting my "boy" skin tone. 
 Then I added felt hair and made him a T-shirt, overalls with a frog of course and sneakers. 
Then I added little bits of felt to make dirt.
Last I added the words to make the sign complete,
of course I did shorten it a bit so it fit properly.
And here he is ALL done!
Hope you love my little guy!  And fingers crossed that I make the top 5!
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Tickled Pink at 504 Main

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Design Diva

Today I would like to introduce you to my newest internet saavy friend Christina Johnson.  She works remotely for Elliman Prudential. She has worked as a real estate agent, and designer. She uses her weekends to combine her love for writing and design and would love to share with all of my lovely followers today some of her awesome decorating tips and ideas!

Making a Space Warm and Inviting
By: Christina Johnson

Larger rooms are intimidating if not properly decorated. People like to socialize in spaces they feel comfortable in. A living room of empty walls and with only a couple pieces of furniture is not going to appeal to anyone. It is important to consider how to make those cavernous spaces feel quaint, intimate, and cozy. Interior designers have an arsenal of tricks they use to achieve just the right look for a variety of rooms.

Colors, Colors, Colors
Colors are going to be very important when decorating a large space. Avoid white, as this will only make the space seem cold and distant and large. Warmer tones will help to draw the room together and absorb the light. Using these simple tips you should then be able to create a cozy and intimate ambiance for different rooms and even that important wedding venue.

Divide the Room
You may also choose to break up the room into smaller sections. Avoid area dividers and instead use the placement of the furniture to create the illusion of division. Properly placing furniture so that it can enhance the space without dominating it is important especially if you want to create a cozy space.

Choose a Focal Point
This will help draw the eye to a point in the room where it can then take in the rest of the room. Once you have chosen a focal point you will then want to decorate the room by taking inspiration from it.

Rooms of All Kinds:

A bedroom should always be comfortable. Use a large bed at an angle to create a dynamic appearance. Sleigh beds are perfect for larger bedrooms. The walls should absorb the light. Try rich amber for the walls and accent with bronze and copper pieces. You may want to divide the room with one area dedicated to meditation and reflection.

Living Room
A living room will often time use the television or entertainment center as the focal point. If you live in an 
NYC Apartment Rental   or a house in the suburbs, you'll want to add a large comfortable couch and perhaps another chair or two. Divide the room into a reading area, maybe add a small desk, or even a play area for small children. The colors for the living room should be comforting. Try dark wood accents and touches of dark reds and deep blues.

An office should not be too inviting, but comfy enough to pass numerous hours in. A large desk, bookshelves, and even a small table are perfect for this room. The colors should be relaxing but not too relaxing. Remember, the office is for working not for sleeping.

Wedding Venue
Use rich clothes deep in tones along with table runners and furnishings in similar hues. Add candles or lanterns to simulate a welcoming area and turn the overhead lights down to take full advantage of the candles’ flame.

Decorating large spaces may be tricky, however, with using these tips it can be done. Use focal points and choose colors that do not excite the senses. Try to draw the room together and do not waste space. Larger spaces require special attention and careful consideration especially if you are trying to achieve a warm and cozy ambiance. 
Hope you enjoyed all of Christine's style and don't forget you that you can visit me HERE 
today to see a quick tutorial on this cute yarn wreath!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hoo Are You #52

Welcome to this week's exciting edition of
hosted by the ever talented Leslie! 
So now without further ado are my answers to this week's questions!

1. Do you prefer to use a regular pencil or mechanical pencil?
Love a real pencil..
you know made of wood that needs to be sharpened and doesn't break or bend with every little stroke!

2. What is your favorite color in the crayon box?
Brown.. yup boring old brown.
3. Bottled glue or glue stick?
Love bottled craft glue.. I think I wouldn't be able to live without it~
4. calculator or do it in your head?
My Dad is an accountant.. but baby I NEED a calculator!
5.Favorite subject while in High School?
My favorite subject in High school was English no wait I mean art.. no English.. no art  Um.. I think I have to say Englart?

Upcycled Family Sign

As I have mentioned before I have decided that my bedroom needs some decoration!  So this morning I worked on a Family sign for one of our very bare naked walls.  Here is what I came up with.
I started with this old picture from our first apartment that just isn't our style anymore.
  I popped out the picture and recovered the mat board with some tan fabric.
Then I cut our a panel of brown fabric from on old dress I had. 
 Then I cut a branch from the fabric.
I glued the branch onto the tan fabric.
Then I painted wood letters and shapes cream and brown to give it that shabby chic style.
Then I Mod Podged pictures of our family to the wood shapes.  I also gave the frame a quick coat of cream paint. 
Then I popped the mat board into the frame
 and glued the words and shapes onto the glass.
Super cute and total cost of $0!
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