
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When Life Hands You Branches....

Here in NJ we survived Hurricane Irene pretty much unscathed.  We had some minor flooding in the basement and some damage to our living room wall.. but we never lost power.  Some of my family however, has had lots of damage and will take lots of time to recover.   So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers!
With all of the heavy winds we were able to find lots of branches.. and what better to make with branches than MOBILES!
So here are some of our super fun creations!
The first is a bird one, which was supposed to be for my friend's daughter, however, my daughter claimed it as her own!

Lots of little flowers on the branch and then lots of happy little birdies flying around!

Then we made another bird one .. but this time in boy colors with little leaves on the branch.
And again.. lots of cute little birdies flying around!

These kept us busy and helped to clean up the yard!  Whoo hoo!
Hope you faired well in the storm.
I am sharing with
lil luna link party buttonNightOwlCrafting



  1. Beautiful project! I love it!

  2. What a great idea! I love mobiles made out of branches. Cute birds.
