
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Envy My Garage Sale Find!

I Love, LOve, LOVE garage sale shopping!  It's always fun to search through other people's junk to find some old forgotten treasure!  My neighbor and I had a great time last weekend with some fun finds.  So here they are.. for a total of $30!
First up is this vintage thread box with thread and butttons for $2.
Next up is this collection of embroidery hoops in a wide variety of sizes.. again $2.
Then we have this fabulous find of fabrics for $6.
2 Garbage bags full!
And last but not least and certainly my favorites.. this awesome commercial White sewing maching for $20!
Hope you have fun garage sale shopping too!
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  1. Serious mega-envy here! What super bargains, you are a shopper after my own heart, well done!

  2. Ok go on Pinterest and type in Embroidery Hoop in the search engine and you will find THE coolest crafts with these things. I am sure you are using them for what they are intended but I have no idea how to sew, stitch or embroider so I found these ideas and loved them. :)
