
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hoo Are You #45!

Welcome to my favorite Toosday blog hop Hosted by the Lovely Leslie @
And as always here are the answers to the questions on everyone's minds this week!

1. Do you exercise regularly and what do you do?
I excercise as often as possible sometimes up to 6 days a week.. and when I do I love to run, SPIN, zumba and do HOT yoga because happiness begin above 100 degrees!

2. Do you have any weird sleeping habits?
YES!  I am the worst sleeper EVER!  I go to bed around 10 then I waske up almost every night between midnight and 2 am and then I am up until 4 am and then I go back to bed most nights until 5am.   Those hours are when I am most productive because I cannot just lay in bed with my mind racing.. I have to get up and DO things!

3. How often do you vacuum?
I vacuum every day.   With 3 kids and a hubby running around this house there is always something that does not belong on my carpet and hardwoods.!

4.Do you accessorize and if so what is your favorite thing to accessorize with?
Alas.. I am a plain Jane and Never accessorize.. I don't even really own anything to accessorize with!

5. What is your favorite drink during the summertime?
My favorite drink during the summer is fresh sqeeaed homemade lemonade!



  1. Hi, I'm your newest fan and follower via GFC! I found you at Hoo are you? today and enjoyed reading your post and visiting your blog. No wonder you look great, you put lots of work into it! Pls stop by mine too at

  2. Woaaaah.. your sleeping schedule STINKS.

    Yum... lemonade! Love that.

  3. Ever since I started HRT I don't have to worry with waking at odd hours to only have my mind racing, but I'm sure you're a young girl and aren't a victim of this culprit. However hormones could be triggering the interruptions in your sleep. Ask your doctor about it!

    Check it out…How to Murder Your wife – 150 Miles to No Where…RTT
    Your friend,
    Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
