
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hoo Are You? #49

Welcome to another super fun addition of Hoo Are You.. hosted by our fabulous bloggy friend Leslie @

This week's questions and answers from me Amie @ Pinkapotamus are:
1. What is your favorite craft or type of craft and if you are a crafter

how did you get into it?
My favorite type of craft is anything that involves paint and Mod Podge.   I got into crafting when I was in my teens and was introduced to the joys of the craft store.. sigh.. !

2. What shows have you been watching this summer?
This summer my hubby and I have been watching True Blood and Deadliest Catch.

3. Who does the yard work at your house?
My hubby and my neighbor the landscaper do all of the yard work.. and of course they get a little help from the kids!

4. Are you working on any projects inside the home or outside this week?
We are working on building a patio in the yard this week!

5. Do you have to worry about getting ready for back to school?
Typically I don't worry.. I celebrate!  Pop the champagne it's the Most wonderful time of the year!



  1. I love Mod Podge, too! You can make anything beautiful with a little ModPodge and some cute fabric or paper! Hope that it's a bit cooler there than it is here because I can not be outside in this HEAT! Good luck on your patio!! :)

  2. I need to try this mod podge I keep reading about, it sounds wonderful stuff!

  3. Oh my.. I just found Mod Podge! What great stuff!

  4. You have read my mind with popping the Champagne! LOL I'm the same way! We start this Friday, and it can't come soon enough. ;)
    Hopping over from Hoo are you. Have a great night!

  5. oooo a Landscaper Neighbor??? I'm so jealous!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog, Amie. Hope you're having a good week!
