
Sunday, September 18, 2011

I am still alive and crafting... kinda

For those of you who have hung in there with me these past few weeks..
THAnk you, THANK you, THANK YOU!
I have been suffering from a lot of personal stress and a slight depression.  I have been feeling uninspired and have been making mistakes in every aspect of my daily life. 
Unfortunately, that includes my professional life.  I accidentally missed sending out a banner for a baby shower and missed the event completely.  Uggh! (Never happened before) How embarassing for me and I felt like a complete failure. 
Fortunately, my customer was gracious enough to accept my apology and the reason for the incident and accept an item of apology from my shop. 
So here is the item of apology.
A handmade personalized baby clothesline shadow box picture frame.
Yup, that was a mouthful.
And here is how it looks with a picture.
Here's to hoping that this helps and that I feel more like myself in the coming weeks.
Again thanks to you, who have stopped by, featured me, added comments or linked up to my party.
Happy thoughts are in the air!
p.s.  This was a totally stashbusted project.. just in case you thought I forgot!


  1. Oh poppit, I know it does nothing to help, but I've been in the same boat recently. Just lost my interest in everything, hope you start to feel better soon x

  2. You know what it happens. I was recently in a major funk nothing bad was happening just depressed and unmotivated. Hope you are feeling better and get your creative groove back!

    Cute shadow box frame!

  3. Big hugs from your Blonde in Blighty - I think it must be the time of year, or the conjunction of the stars have conjunctivitis, sounds like a lot of us are out of sorts... hope you feel chipper again soon x

  4. ((HUGS)) We all go through it! I get that whole seasonal depression thing this time of year every year...mine just hasn't hit yet. (Or maybe it's because I got on antidepressants because it was so bad last year?) Hang in there, hon! Take that much needed break and we'll be here when you are up and ready to go again! :)

  5. I'm so sorry to hear you are stressed. I've had those kind of days myself. It sounds like you need some "me" time to relax and re-focus.
