
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Paper Boat Mobile

Today's post is brought to you by the Letter S for Stashbusting September! 
Don't forget to link up HERE
I think that I may have a mobile obession!  I can't STOP making them.. they are soo fun!
My most recent one is a paper boat mobile!
My inspiration came from this vintage Atlas
that I picked up at a garage sale for $1.  It is literally so old that the cover is falling off and it does not inclued Hawaii as a state.
If you would like to make a paper boat here is a quick picture tutorial.. trust me it really helps.. it took me awhile to figure it out from a picture diagram!
First cut a piece of paper into a rectangle.. the equation is that 4" x 3" or 5" x 6"
Now fold your paper in half
Then make a crease in the middle of your folded edge
Now fold your corners to meet the crease
Then fold the bottoms up to meet the triangle fold
Next fold the corners down to form mini triangles
Then pinch the corners and fold into a diamond
Last fold it back to the original triangle and flip the outside edges in.  This can be a bit tricky but with a little practice it gets easier!
Now here are a few more pictures of my paper boat mobile

As you can see I used both plain scrapbook paper and atlas pages and of course a plastic embroidery hoop for hanging.
Hope you have some mobile fun today too!
I am sharing with
Katie's Nesting Spot





  1. What a great idea. It turned out awesome!

  2. I love that you chose a blue hoop to hang the mobile from.

  3. So cute Amie! Love the boats. I hope you link this up at my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays this week.

  4. That is so wonderfully simple and effective - love it. I'll give that a go for one of my twin nephews for birthday or Christmas, have to think of something other than boats for the other lad

  5. I love mobiles, too! My dad and I used to make paper boats when I was a little girl and then we would take them to a creek and let them sail. Thank you so much for the memory and linking to It's a Party!
