
Friday, September 23, 2011

Stashbusted Birthday Gift

My little guy had a birthday party today for his friend Grace.  Now he has only been in school for 2 weeks so I don't really know her too well.. but I thought that since ALL little girls love their names it would be fun to make her a name sign.  So here it is.. with a quick tutorial!

And yes..  I did happen to have
All of these items in my house.. I happen to be a bit of a craft hoarder!  So I started with the simple ingredients of wood plaques, scrapbook paper, wood letters, ribbon, knobs, mdf shelf and ribbon.
First I started by painting my plaques purple.
Next I painted my letters Pink.
Then I mod podged my plaques with purple scrapbook paper.
Then I glued on my letters.
Last I painted my knobs purple.  Stapled ribbon loops to the back of the plaques and hung them across an mdf shelf.
Viola.. a present and of course a stashbust!  And by the way.. the plaques
have been sitting in a bucket in my craft cabinets for about 2 years!
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  1. That's a pretty fancy gift on the fly- nicely done. I'm impressed you had all those wooden ovals. Hope she liked it, which I'm sure she did.

  2. That's pretty cute! I wish I was creative and could come up with a cute personalized birthday gift like that!

  3. that's really cute. I agree, kids love their names.:) I'm a new follower from Delicately constructed.:)

  4. Super cute gift. Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.
