
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hoo Are You?

Welcome to another exciting Toosday where we get to know each other a little better with

1. Do you sleep with the tv or music on?
I sleep in total soundless darkness... the TV keeps me up.

2. What is your favorite technology device that you own?
I love my Ipod.. keeps me company while I clean and run.

3. Do you shop the ads for groceries?
Nope.  I just shop at the farmer's market and BJ's to keep out grocery bill down.

4. What are you favorite pair of shoes?
My favorite shoes are my running shoes and my red ballet flats.. they dress up any outfit with a little pop of color!

5. Have you done any fun fall activities yet?
Yes.. we did blessing of the animals at our church and got to bring our bunnies into church .. it is the start of the fall season for me!  And of course we have started our fall baking of apple deliciousness!


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