
Friday, November 4, 2011

Auntie Lolo's Crafts Giveaway!

Today's giveaway is sponsored by Lois
at Auntie Lolo Crafts ( )

Congrats to Pinkapotamus for reaching 500 followers!! My name is Lois but most people know me as "Auntie Lolo". I love to do craft projects and feature everyone elses over on my blog, Auntie Lolo Crafts. I am so excited to help Amie celebrate by giving away a burlap JOY banner perfect for Christmas from my Etsy Shop.

Burlap JOY Christmas Pennant Banner with Twine
In her Etsy shop she sells the most adorable hand stiched felt friends
Handstitched Felt Hedgehog Plushie
and beautiful button art!
Christmas Tree Button Art on BurlapOn her
On her blog,  Lois loves to share her own inspiration
 as well as highlight the inspiration of others!
Stop by and say "HI"!
Now if you want to enter to win this gorgeous banner.. you need to do each of the following and leave a comment to let me know you did!
1. be a follower of Pinkapotamus
2. be a follower of Auntie Lolo Crafts
3. Heart her shop or favorite item at  Auntie Lolo Crafts
4. Like her on Facebook
For 2 extra enteries blog about this giveaway and send me the link!
Winner will be announced on November 8th!
Good luck!


  1. That banner is lovely, and the turkey onesie is so sweet, I wish my boys still wore them!

  2. What a great blog! You now have 532 followers because I am excited to follow! I am hosting a link up going on right now that I would love for you to come and join!

  3. I'm a follower of Pinkapotamus. trish at momontimeout dot com

  4. I added her handstitched Felt Giraffe Plushie, Tan and Brown as a favorite.

  5. I am a pinkapotamus follower via gfc

  6. I follow Auntie Lolo now, how fabulous is she? Thank you so muh for introducing me to her blog and shop!

  7. I hearted Auntie Lolo's shop and LOVE the frog!! I may have to add that to my christmas list!!

  8. I am also following Auntie Lolo on fb! Thanks again!!

  9. Congratulations! I'm doing a giveaway for 500 too! I follow aunt lolo
