
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Goose Fair at my Church... a crafting misadventure!

I just want to begin this post by saying, "I am always super busy!" and having said that I must also say that I NEED to learn to say the word NOOOOOO sometimes, as it is mostly SELF INFLICTED chaos.
Yesterday was a great example of this!  I had been busy all week with activities for the kids, meetings as class parent, an overnight trip with the hubby (awesome!) and of course a Girl Scout meeting!  Uggh.. so then on Friday night I spent most of my evening and several hours Saturday morning making up kid's craft bags for the Goose Fair as I was in charge of the craft table.
Now since we are visual creatures here are some pics and then I will return to my regulary scheduled rant!
These are paper chains that I made.. they were premade into baggies so that kids could make a chain of 14.
These are several different types of projects made with craft sticks, snowflakes, woven snowflakes and God's eyes (appropriate for church, right?)
Then I alo made bags up for clothespin elves, popsicle stick reindeer and scrap fabric bracelets.
Here are the bracelets and some foam trees, too!
So I spent HOURS upon Hours putting these bags and crafts together and guess what the kids chose to make?
Yup, you guessed it.. wood ornaments from Michaels that had been painted and just needed decorating that were just lying around the Sunday school closet!  .. REALLY?!?
Oh well, atleast I learned my lesson for next year.. kids like simple and that I don't have to go crazy making
200 craft bags (literally!).. as only 7 kids showed up.. not counting mine!
Oh well, I love my little church and I will do what I can to help it grow!
Happy Sunday!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I tend to over think things and that gets me into trouble. I have learned how to say no and leave blank spaces on my calendar, so it is getting better (of course the blank spaces get filled with the projects that take way more time than I anticipated!).
    Just think, since only 7 kids showed up, you have crafts done for the next several YEARS! You're so ahead of the game. Pat on the back for you!

  2. I know exactly what you mean!! I have about a zillion projects going right now and am so overwhelmed. WHEW! Hang in there!!
