
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy In Red Guest Post

Hello everyone! While Amie is on a well deserved family holiday, she was so kind to let me entertain you for today. I think that’s great, so a big thank you goes to the wonderful hostess of this blog.

I’m Esther, also known as Happy in Red and I am hopping over from I live in Utrecht, which is a very old city right in the centre of The Netherlands. It’s such a pretty place and I am very happy to call it my home town. I am a journalist that sometimes gets to travel for work (yes, someone has to do it) and since a year or so the creative bug has bitten me. Happy in Red is a wonderful combination of my love for writing, traveling and crafts like sewing and crochet.

Since it’s getting colder in my little corner of the world I have been crocheting like mad, and with success. I finished my first granny square blanket! There’s no logic in there, so that’s why my love has baptized it the chaos blanket.
Granny square blanket
I also crochet for a good cause: Kyoyu Kyoyu – Share, an initiative of Kate from the UK. She collects crocheted and knitted squares from all over the world and makes these into blankets for the victims of the tsunami last year in Japan. You have no idea how many families are still homeless and have lost everything, and how many children are in orphanages because they’ve lost their entire family. This broke my heart, so of course I wanted to contribute to this wonderful cause.
You can help too by going here
So far I’ve sent out bunches and bunches of granny squares. But I’ve also just finished a blanket for Japan with some warm ocher, greens and blues.
For Japan

Now I am working on a blanket for a little girl to send to Kyoyu Kyoyu – Share, with pinks, reds, greys and some white. If you’d like to participate, just grab your crochet hook or knitting needles and hop on over to their blog and let them know you want to participate.

Girl blanket

Thank you so much for reading about my projects and I hope to welcome you sometimes at Happy in Red!

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