
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wiccan Make Some Too Guest Post

Hey everybody out there in Blogland, tis I, Beth the R.W.I.C. (Resident Witch in Charge) from Wiccan Make Some Too I am here standing in for my Girl Amie while she is off visiting with the Big Mouse. Real happy to be here today lending a helping hand!
I wanted to get you all thinking about Halloween. Yes it is approaching fast & you need to decide what you are going to be or what your children are going to be cause it sure creeps up on you & you are left scrambling at the last minute for ideas & such. I know what the extra time spent planning can mean to creating the perfect costume. I have gone over the top on my creations many a year have been so happy that I had the time I needed to come up with a wickedly awesome costume.

 Of course I will share a few with you. I only wish I had  photos of other costumes to show you, but alas, time & elements have claimed some of them (yup...I lost em)
This is my Isis costume:

 Luckily I found a gold face powder at a local costume shop when I lived in Florida. It was so easy to apply & felt good on my face. I was at work managing a restaurant on the Gulf of Mexico when this was taken or I would have had my hands golden too. This was a somewhat  store bought costume that I added my own extra touches to. You can't tell from the photo but I was wearing dangling snake earrings.

Close-up shot. Just gold powder & black eye liner around my eyes & on my eyebrows . The gold powder stayed on my lips really well. Of course I did drink my coffee through a straw that night!

This was my spin on the Harlequin Porcelain Doll. I sewed feather boas to a section of panty hose for my feather head dress. It was time consuming but I think well worth the time. A poets blouse with a pink boa at the neckline along with a loud pink vest that I found at a thrift store along with a pair of black pants & some face make-up completed this outfit. I also wore a pair of black flats that I attached pieces of the blue & pink boas to.

Here is a close-up of the make-up

This is a shot of the Hubs & me one year. We snuck into the Costume Contest at the place I was manager of. The owner was on duty that night since it was my scheduled time off. I ordered our drinks using a British accent so even the Cocktail Server that I had hired didn't even know it was us! We ended up taking first prize. I tried to decline it since I was the Manager but the owner was so amazed at the stunt we pulled, he insisted we take it. The Hubs had a large sack of candy he gave to customers as he lumbered around as the Troll belonging to my Evil Sorceress. I wore a purple low cut night gown under my robe & wore long black gloves with big chunky costume jewelry rings.

I found a section of curled braids at Sally's & attached them to a bandana that I tied around my head. This held my hair in place & ; kept my fake curls laying how I wanted them.
Have you any ideas as to what you are doing for a costume this year?  I have mine figured out & ; have already started working on it. But that is another post my Blogland friends!

I hope you already follow Amie's blog but if you aren't a follower, I think it would be wickedly awesome if you became one. Join the ranks..... she has posts that will knock your green & ; black striped socks off!  Plus, all the "cool" kids are doing it.

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