
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hooo Are You? #61

Welcome to another exciting edition of Hoo Are you .. hosted by the lovely  Leslie at

1. Is all your Christmas shopping done?
Yes.. it has been done since Black Friday morning at 10am!

2. Do you decorate for Christmas and if so when?
Absolutely every available surface and the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas.

3. Do you bake during the Holiday season?
Yes, yes, yes.. I bake tons and tons of cookies for Holidays and gifts.

4. What are your favorite smells of this time of year?
Gingerbread.. and anything baked!

5. What are your favorite things to do during the Holiday Season?
My favorite things are shopping, decorating and making decorations and gifts.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness you are so brave to stick it out all day on Black Friday. I seriously don't have the patience to hang with the crazy crowd lol. Maybe I'll send you out to do my shopping next year haha. Anyways, gingerbread is such a good smell...yum!
