
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Miss Pinkapotamus.. Where Have You BEEN?

Well, Pink Hippo fans.. if you are looking for an answer to this most mysterious question.. it is quite simple. 
It all started a few days before Christmas when I got stranded in my kitchen for 2 whole days baking dozens upon dozens of cookies..
 (46 dozen total to be exact.. seriously NOOO exaggeration).. these are the ones just for teacher gifts.
Then there were the orders that had to be shipped before Christmas as they were gifts to good boys and girls!
Then before I knew it BAM Christmas Eve was upon me as was the beginning of the gift giving bonanza...
 and of course a sleepless night of getting ready for Christmas morning..
 which thankfully came this year at the LATE hour of 5 am (usually it is closer to 3 am!?! REALLY)
Then right behind it was Christmas day and of course Christmas dinner and all of the cooking.. and cleaning..  not to mention more gifts...
Then there was the laudry which I almost drowned in ..
and now it is the sweet children
 who are home and want a Mommy to play with all of the toys and games that Santa brought WITH them.
Oh yeah.. and did I mention that during all of this chaos..
Mr. Pinkapotamus was redoing our bathroom (with a little help from me of course!)
So fear not my lovely Pink Hippos.. I will be back in crafting action soon! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your families and that you survived the Christmas crash!


  1. Wow! That is a crazy amount of cookies!

    Your tree looks gorgeous with all the gifts around it, such a shame that the kids then ruin the look by opening the gifts.

    Looking forward to seeing how the bathroom turns out, need some inspiration to sort ours out!

  2. Wow! What a great holiday!! Enjoy your family. :)

  3. I can't even imagine 46 dozen cookies! The most I've made at one time was 12 dozen and 100 cupcakes. Love your blog. Happy New Year! Just visiting from Kindergarten for Parents and Teachers.
