
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Love Wall Hanging

It's ALMOST that time of year again.. Yup Valentine's Day!  In my house, it's kind of a BIG deal cause it's my littlest guys Birthday!
(Could he get any cuter?)  
So once the Christmas decorations have all been boxed up its time to move on to V-day!   Since I decided NOT to procrastinate this year.. Here is my first V-day decoration!
A LOVE wall hanging!
Want to make one?.. of course you do.. so here's how!
Start with blank canvas and some letters.
Paint your letters and the edges of your canvas.
While the paint is drying on your letters measure and cut your scrapbook paper background.  Size varies by size of your canvas.
Mod Podge your paper onto your canvas.
Take your painted letters
and glue them onto your canvas.
And now you have a lovely decoration!
I am sharing with

It's Overflowing
{Junk in their Trunk}
I'm topsy turvy tuesdays

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I love how your letters have 2 colors. It really makes them pop.

  2. Lovey Lovey Lovey!! Oh my goodness, this is the best Valentine's sign I've seen in a long time!!! Totally EXCITED to be your newest follower and hope you'll link up this next week again at Overflowing with Creativity, it wouldn't be the same without you friend!!!

    XO, Aimee
    Your Newest Bloggy Friend
