
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I "Mustache" You to Be MINE.. and other V-day Silliness!

Yay!  Yesterday was Valentine's day here at Pinkapotamus..
Can you feel the Love? but it was also my littlest guy's 5th birthday..
yup that's right he's a whole hand old!  He is my precious, super rambunctious, silly, super smart special little guy..
 the little boy that I feel was saved from starving in utero and a dog attack at 1 to be here with me and to touch the lives of others.. He is a celebrity around this town!
 But then again.. I AM his Mommy and I love him no matter what!
Okay.. now enough with my sappy stuff and let's get to the fun.. yup here are my boys Valentine's day cards for their friends.. silly and super fun with photos (once again!)
We made them with mustaches on a popsicle stick that I stuck through the card..
the kids and I had a GREAT time making these!
Then of course my little crafter in training made herself a sweet little Valentine's shirt
and Valentine melted heart Crayons for her friends!
And we made shirts for the boys too..
For the Little guy!
And for the Big Guy!

 And of course we had to have cake for the Birthday Boy.. and NO.. for once I didn't bake it.. I bought it.. oh the shame!
Hope you shared the Love with someone special on V-day!
Oh.. and don't forget to vote for your favorite in the
I am sharing with


  1. Hi,I am coming to you from the linky followers blog hop and I am happy to be your newest lf follower. If you would like to follow me back, I can be found at
