
Friday, February 3, 2012

Pottery Barn Chair Envelope Knockoff

I just adore these!
and these!
Envelope Chair Backer
But.. the BIG question was.. can I make them myself?.. A few things going for me..
1. I have felt in my stash. 2. I have LOTS of sewing stuff
Here is what I had against me (and it's really BIG)..
1.  I suck at ALL things sewing.
But I was trying umm.. being optimistic in my attempt.. do you think I succeeded?
Yup.. I think I nailed it!  And I bet you'll NEVER guess what I made it out of..
Give up?!?
So here's how I did it.. and trust me, someone who can sew could probably do a MUCH better job cause I really fudged my way through this one!
2 1/2 Placemats
Ric rac
Sewing Machine
Glue Gun (YES)
fabric glue
craft glue
To start I cut one placemat in half
Then I pinned the half piece to the back of one placemat and folded in the edges so that it would make the flap for the envelope.
Next I sewed it so that the envelope and top would have it's shape.
Then I sewed the sides and bottom of second placement to the top of the placemat with the envelope top.

Next I sewed a felt heart with red thread and used fabric glue to add ric rac around the border.
Next I used my Cricut to cut out my daughter's name.
Then I glued her name on with craft glue.
Next I made two strips of felt with velcro that I hot glued onto the back so that I could attach it to the chair.
Here it is hung on the back of the chair.
And here is the flip side.
And here it is open and ready for little love notes from Mommy for Valentine's Day!
Viola!  Super fudged chair back envelope made from placements! 
Whoo hoo!  I am soo loving it.. but if you'll excuse me now.. I have to make two more for the boys!
I am sharing with
freckled laundry

504 Main

Featured On The  Crafty Nest

One Artsy Mama

It's a Blog Party
Cherished Bliss



  1. adorable! you are right you nailed it. I made some last year and blogged about it but mine have nothing on yours. Good job mama
    jada roo can do

  2. GREAT Job! Love it! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. This is so lovely,thanks for joining us at Welcome to the weekend hop,I have just been making a valentines cakes that i can link up to your great hop next week,have a great weekend :0)

  4. Very pinning this on Pinterest. :)

  5. VERY Cute! And thanks SO much for stopping by my blog and leaving that sweet lil note about my mailbox! you are too sweet!!!!

  6. so cute great job come see me at

  7. Super cute Valentine craft. Good luck from Bacon Time.

  8. Oh I LOVE it!!! I have been wondering what I could make for my kids little goodies that had some lasting power and this is perfect :) I could use them year after year.
