
Friday, March 2, 2012

Old Chest to Pirate Treasure Box

My littlest guy had a Pirate party.. arrrgh!
  So of course, we did everything ourselves at my sweet little church.. But of course, you know how much work goes into creating a kids' party.. So here is one of the first things we made:
A Pirate Treasure Box!
The box was something that I bought at a garage sale for $5 a few years ago that was just collecting dust in the basement.
So I painted it black.
but I left the inside the original yellow color cause I like it! (and I was being a BIT lazy)
And then I painted it with crackle medium (which didn't really work.. so maybe I did it wrong but I did follow the directions!)
Then I got busy doing other things since I can't seem to focus on ONE project at a time so the last picture is the finished chest!  After the crackle I added brown paint and belts to the front to close it and belts to the sides for handles (I got the belts for $2 at a flea market)
It looked great at the party.. and it stored all of our pirate gear.. ARRGH!
I am sharing with

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Decorating Insanity
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  1. What a super cute idea ! I love the detail of the straps. I'm sure it was a great party. ~ Megan

  2. Cute idea! I saw you at One Antsy Mama. Love this idea!

  3. So cute! I love pirates, too! I hope my little boy wants a pirate room when he grows up :)

  4. Oooh, too fun!! Pirate parties are the best! Thanks for sharing this at Shine on Fridays!

  5. what a fun ideas! Great for boys..
    Thanks for linking up at Friday Fun Party
