
Monday, March 19, 2012

Pink Hippo Party #72

Happy Monday Pink Hippos.. boy I am I glad last week is over!  It was a rough one, starting with a car accident (everyone is fine) where I totaled my front end, my littlest guy and the stomach virus, lots of frustration in planning a Girl Scout event, tons of work for a cultural fair, hosting my son's family party.. and probably the highlight of the week rescuing this lost little bunny!
Who needed lots of veterinary care!
Also I had my first adventure with fondant.. not sure how I feel about it yet... btw it's supposed to be a skate board.
Now onto bigger and better things!  The winner of this week's Crafterbowl is..  drum roll please..
with her Printed Burlap Postcards
She is the lucky winner of a beautiful print (any one)
You Are My Sunshine 8x10 inspirational print
Now.. who's ready to party?  I know I am .. so be a follower, link up, grab a cute button,
Pink Hippo Party
and share the LOVE!


  1. Thanks for the party I love to link up each week. I have been a follower threw GFC but now I can follow threw Linky followers. Yea! So if you find the time to stop by my new blog and follow me to that would make me so happy @

  2. Ooh! I love your brown bunny! How sweet of you to rescue a bunny. I am curious to hear more about your adventures in fondant. Have a great week! -Marci

  3. Thanks for hosting! I'm also curious to hear about your fondant experience... I for once am scared of fondant lol.
