
Monday, March 26, 2012

Pink Hippo Party #73

Happy Monday Pink Hippos! 
Sorry I have been MIA this week..but it was a super crazy busy, celebratory hard working week and weekend!  We spent the week celebrating my 33rd birthday with an Iphone, sushi lunch and of course.. ice cream cake! 
Then the hubby and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!  Whoo hoo with dinner out and a bottle of wine!
We had story time with our new bunny!
Then this weekend we had the Girl Scout Brunch with my favorite girl~
Then off to the Blue and Gold dinner with my favorite Tiger Scout!
And of course we spent the entire past two weeks working on a HUGE project for the kids school to be revealed tomorrow.. but since I haven't been around.. here is a sneak peek!
Ok.. so enough about ME .. now I want to know all about YOU! 
Show me what you got!
Link up, grab a button,
Pink Hippo Party
be a follower and share some love!



  1. It looks like you had a busy, but productive week. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. I have to tell you, I think the story time with the bunny is the sweetest things. :) Have a great week!

  2. Wow! You are one busy girl! I love that bunny picture too! That is one big bunny. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Happy birthday and anniversary!

  4. Hi Amie! Thanks so much for hosting- looks like you had a great week!
    I am hosting a new linky party on Sundays and I would love if you would join in the fun!

  5. So many fun and exciting things! Congratulations. The bunny is AWESOME! I had rabbits as a child. Enjoy these moments. Thanks for hosting!

  6. Sounds like an awesome week! Happy Birthday!! :)
    Thanks for hosting the party!
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}
