
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

StumbelUpon Link Party #1

Happy Tuesday Pink Hippos!  Are ready for some exciting news?  Well, here it is.. I am cohosting a NEW Tuesday link party!

We all love traffic and Stumbleupon drives lots of traffic! 
To Sew With Love
PinkapotamusForgetful Momma
and A little bit of everything
have joined forces to bring you this Stumbleupon party!
This party will be up for three days only so make sure to link-up and stumble to your heart's content!

To join:

- link up the post url you'd like for us to stumble. 

- under description field, add your blog's name.

- click at least 2 of the linkies before you. It's great to support each other! 

- stumble their post or give them a thumbs up

- first and second links, please stumble the last or last two linkies. 

- only one submission per blog per link-up party.
Easy-peasy, right?
Are you ready to have some link up fun?

Pinkapotamus & Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Always love stumbling over here. :)

    Thanks for the feature yesterday!
