
Monday, April 30, 2012

Pink Hippo Party #77

Happy Monday Pink Hippos!  Another busy weekend.. but this weekend we got to have our first Lemonade Stand of the Season with lots of traffice courtesy of the estate sale across the street!
Here are this week's features!
First up is Jamie @  who created this A-dorable strawberry dress just for strawberry picking!
Next up is Shiloh from  who made this DE-licious looking homemade peanut butter!
And last but not least is Stacey at with her A-wesome t-shirt bracelets... I just love a great upcycle!
T-shirt bracelets 005
Want to be featured next?  Link up, be a follower, grab a button
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and share the love!



  1. I think I might be a bit old to have my first lemonade stand, but it seems so much fun! Thanks for hosting missy!

  2. Thanks so much for the sweet feature!! XOXO

  3. Thanks for inviting me :)
    Wish you a great week!

  4. Thanks bunches for inviting me to your party! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment:D
