
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Under 300 Followers Blog Hop #4

Happy Thursday Pink Hippos! It's time for another EXCITING edition of the Pink Hippo Under 300 Followers Blog Hop cohosted by

the Amazing Amanda @

Manic Mother

and the Lovely Lelanie @

We hope you are enjoying finding fun new blogs to follow like this weeks's featured guest :

My name is Jen and I blog over at The Crafting Fiend. I've been blogging for just over a year. I started my blog because I thought my facebook friends were getting tired of seeing more pictures of the things I was making than pictures of the family.

I've been married for 5 1/2 years I love shoes, and my husband thankfully knows to not waste money buying me flowers and to save it up for a pair of shoes instead.

and we have a gorgeous 22 month old - who loves to run and play and help me in the kitchen.
and we have another little girl due This coming September (and yes, I am looking for guest posters that month - mid- end... )

Most of my crafting is related to my girl (and soon to be girls). My blogging follows no schedule currently because the only schedule I keep is breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, snack, supper, snack, and snack again a time or two. (can you tell I'm pregnant? lol)
I have a few patterns up on my blog for free under the tutorials tab

I love to sew my kid clothing and pink is my favourite colour. 
And that is a little bit about me and my blog! I Hope you'll check it out :)
Thank- you so much Amie for asking me to do a feature!
Now onto our Hop!
The rules are simple:
Follow me and my cohosts and Jenna our featured guest Jen @
 The Crafting Fiend

Link up your homepage
Grab a button and spread the word
hop button
Mix and mingle and make some new friends!
I can't wait to make some new bloggy friends, too!
Oh yeah and let me know you are following and we will follow you back!

Pinkapotamus and Friends!


  1. this is my first time participating in a blog hop - thanks for hosting (and sending the link my way!) :).

  2. My first blog hop, too. :) By the way, I'm a happy new follower of your blog. Found you through Jen.

  3. linking up from crafty mum and a new follower to your blog xxxx

  4. Thanks so much for letting me know about the blog hop! I'm all linked up!


  5. Great to meet you! I found you through the Crafting Fiend :)

  6. Thanks for hosting, found you through City Girl Gone Coastal. I'm a new follower of your blog, I think its great.
    I'm all linked up and ready to hop :)

  7. Thanks for hosting! I'm a new follower! :)

  8. Hi, thanks for the invite! Oh and I would LOVE to do a guest post for you baby time. Just let me know more details! thanks!

  9. Thank you for hosting this amazing party! Great theme! I would also love to invite you to share at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop. It is up and running right now. Share any of your amazing posts:) Hope to see you there!
