
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Under 300 followers Blog Hop #6

It's Thursday again Pink Hippos .. and you know what that means?  It's time for another exciting adventure into blogland with our Under 300 Followers Blog Hop.. Hosted by me.. Amie the Pink Hippo and my lovely co-hosts
blog button2
Lelanie @ Tosewwithlove
Today we'd like to try something NEW!
giveaway and link up
Yup.. that's right.. this week we have 4 questions for you to answer in a post on your blog and link up here!  It's a fun way to get to know each other better!
So here are this week's questions and of course .. MY answers!
1. If you were trapped on a desert island and could only bring 1 crafty item what would it be?
Okay since Michael's or Joanne's does not quality as 1 item.. I am going to say that I would HAVE to take GLUE.  I would be busy Mod Podging the heck out of my surroundings, gluing my shack together and making pretty wall hanging to hang inside it!
2. If your spouse (or significant other) made you chose between them and crafting .. what would you chose?
Ok, well my spouse KNOWS better than to ask me that.. but I think that I would have to chose him and so some sneaky stealth crafting on the side
3. What would be your Ultimate craft experience?
Crafting beside Martha Stewart in an ultimate showdown!
4. What is your favourite craft disaster?
My favourite craft disaster was my card board box centre pieces for one of my BFF's son's christening.. nothing like showing up for a Christening with spray painted HANDS!
You can see all the details by clicking on the post below!
amie button
So now grab these questions and create your post and share it HERE!
1. If you were trapped on a desert island and could only bring 1 crafty item what would it be?
2. If your spouse (or significant other) made you chose between them and crafting .. what would you chose? {If you’re not a craft imagine your favourite thing}
3. What would be your Ultimate craft experience?
4. What is your favourite craft disaster?
Don't forget when you link up to add our nifty new button!
Please follow the rules.. which means follow your hosts and then find new and exciting other blogs to follow!  Let us know you are following and we will follow you too!
Oh and p.s. we REALLY love respond to comments, but several of you are {no~reply commenters} if you want us or anyone else to get back to you please change the settings, if you need help just ask!
Have fun getting to know each other, and remember if you have Twitter or FB, we will be giving some of you shout outs over the weekend.
This week we have a giveaway for you {our way of saying thank you to you guys}, two lucky winners can win these 6 super cute tea lights
pretty little tealights
and these gorgeous smelling votive candles, the yellow are honeysuckle and the pink are cherry blossom,
sweet smelling votives
perfect for lightening up an evening in the garden or adding some flowery scent to your home.
To be in with a chance to win, all you need to do is
Link up your post to the linky = 1 chance to win
Be a follower of your hosts = 3 chances to win
For an extra chance to win Tweet or FB the giveaway = 1 chance to win
For each entry you must leave a comment telling us you have done so!
Giveaway closes same time as the link party.
We will send internationally to wins once announced at next weeks linky!
Good luck !

Pinkapotamus and Friends


  1. Added my post to the linky

  2. Following pikapotamus

  3. following to sew with love

  4. following city girl gone coastal

  5. Tweeted:

  6. Oh I forgot to comment when I joined the blog hop party! But those candles are cute :)

  7. And of course I follow pikapotamus...

  8. ... and city girl gone coastal...

  9. And I tweeted about it, I hope some more people come to visit before it ends.!/toastiestudio
